The Trauma-Informed Coaching Blog

Turning adversity into healing andĀ growth is hidden in the story.
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What Is Trauma-Informed Coaching?

Apr 24, 2023

Trauma comes from a single catastrophic event or a series of stressors (work mismatch, prejudice, unclear expectations, impossible workloads, emotionally draining interactions with difficult people, or feelings of insecurity). An estimated seventy percent (70%) of adults in the US have experienced a traumatic event at least once in their lives. Only a small percentage develop PTSD that requires a mental health professional.

Post Traumatic Growth is the far more common response to trauma. That does not mean that they do not have painful feelings and difficulty working through the trauma. In fact, working through emotions and thoughts produces Post Traumatic Growth as a result of struggling with a stressful or problematic experience. Coaches work with clients post-trauma in the following ways.

  1. Change their perception of themselves
  2. Improve their interpersonal relationships
  3. Alter their life philosophy
  4. Recast their spiritual orientation
  5. Increase their compassion and empathy for others
  6. Find ways to express their emotions with greater ease
  7. feel greater comfort with their own vulnerability
  8. Discover ways of experiencing themselves as capable and self-reliant
  9. Revise their life priorities
  10. Pinpoint new directions and purpose in their life
  11. Re-engage with their families, friends, workplace, and community

Mental health affects every aspect of life. In an era of mental health decline and chronic disease, the recognition that the traditional healthcare approach is over-impacted and unable to serve the needs of most of its citizens has led to the emergence and growth of a fresh approach with health and wellness coaching. Incorporating health and wellness coaching into the treatment of lifestyle-related ailments like depression and heart disease is rapidly becoming an integral part of medicine.

It is easy to look at the mental health crisis in a vacuum but there are less obvious correlations that need to be considered. Mental illness and other chronic conditions often co-occur. For example, people who have cancer often have depression or people with chronic pain may suffer both physical and behavioral health challenges. Social determinants of health are the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affects a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks. Mentor Agility’s coaches receive training to work with patients/clients/employees/community to address four key determinants of health.

The unique lens of Mentor Agility’s training and education programs are crafted to meet the needs of coaches and their clients. Each of the training pathways fulfills the essential needs of all coaching clients with trauma-informed, health and wellness-informed, and financial well-being awareness. The proven Mentor Agility methodology uses storytelling to build trust, bring forth subconscious goal-setting, and identify barriers to success. This playful and imaginative coaching draws out clients' creativity and problem-solving abilities to build competence, knowledge acquisition, skill development, insight, and self-confidence.

These coaching pathways can serve the overall needs for coaches.

Mentor Agility’s Trauma Informed Coaches are an excellent bridge between individual patients/clients/employees/community to goal setting and attainment, accessing resources, planning, improving performance, and forming accountability partners.

Mentor Agility’s Advanced Trauma Informed Coaches use multiple storytelling approaches to create trust, cohesion, stress release, and wonder. The curiosity, community, and motivation that arises from this distinctive approach generate engagement with family, friends, and coworkers. This method is used in community settings, healthcare, government, nonprofit, and workplace environments.

Mentor Agility’s Creative Leadership Coaches develop individual, team, and organizational performance across industries increasing productivity and employee retention — an important factor in the shadow of the pandemic and the Great Resignation.

Mentor Agility’s Corporate Wellness Coaches guide coaches through proven and propriety processes to develop a health and wellness program within a government, nonprofit, or corporate organizational structure.


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Turning adversity into healing and growth is hidden in theĀ story. Find the secrets here.